Métodos de recolecta y monitoreo de adultos Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae), vectores de los agentes causales de las leishmaniasis

Eduardo A. Rebollar-Téllez, Sergio Ibañez-Bernal


Phlebotomine sandflies are the vectors of different species of the genus Leishmania, which are the aethiological agents of the varied clinical forms of the leishmaniases. The main risk factor for transmission to humans is the contact with vectors, so the activities of vector incrimination and understanding of vectorial capacities are very important aspects in the epidemiology of disease. Therefore, it is very relevant to be able to estimate with precision the presence, abundance, biting-rate, infection-rate, age-structure, etc., to evaluate the risk for transmission of Leishmania spp. and that gathered information could be analyzed and comprehended for those decision-making personnel in relation to public health policies. However, in order for that field information to be useful to the health sector or research proposes, the population estimates would be unbiassed in relation to the captures of species of medical importance or the biological assemblage. The main objective of the present contribution is to revise the most common sampling and monitoring methods for phlebotomine sandflies, highlighting field studies conducted in Mexico and discussing each sampling method for advantages and disadvantages as well as interpretations. Lastly, the general aspects of sampling and population inference are discussed and future research perspectives are mentioned.

Palabras clave: Vectores leishmaniasis, Diptera, Phlebotominae, muestreo, flebotominos

Texto completo:



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