Diabesidad en los mayas yucatecos. Genes, metabolismo y ambiente sociocultural.

Julio Lara-Riegos, Hugo Azcorra-Pérez


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Azcorra H, Varela-Silva MI, Rodriguez L, Bogin B, Dickinson F. Nutritional status of Maya children, their mothers, and their grandmothers residing in the City of Merida, Mexico: revisiting the leg-length hypothesis. Am J Hum Biol. 2013 Sep-Oct;25(5):659-65.


Lara-Riegos J, Barquera R, Castillo-Chávez OD, Medina-Escobedo CE, Hernández-Zaragoza DI, Arrieta-Bolaños E, et al. Genetic diversity of HLA system in two populations from Yucatán, Mexico: Mérida and rural Yucatán. Hum Immunol. 2020 Sep;81(9):569-572.


Lara-Riegos JC, Ortiz-López MG, Peña-Espinoza BI, Montúfar-Robles I, Peña-Rico MA, Sánchez-Pozos K, et al. Diabetes susceptibility in Mayas: Evidence for the involvement of polymorphisms in HHEX, HNF4α, KCNJ11, PPARγ, CDKN2A/2B, SLC30A8, CDC123/CAMK1D, TCF7L2, ABCA1 and SLC16A11 genes. Gene. 2015 Jul 1;565(1):68-75.


Domínguez-Cruz MG, Muñoz ML, Totomoch-Serra A, García-Escalante MG, Burgueño J, Valadez-González N, et al. Pilot genome-wide association study identifying novel risk loci for type 2 diabetes in a Maya population. Gene. 2018 Nov 30;677:324-331.


Sánchez-Pozos K, Ortíz-López MG, Peña-Espinoza BI, de Los Ángeles Granados-Silvestre M, Jiménez-Jacinto V, Verleyen J, et al. Whole-exome sequencing in maya indigenous families: variant in PPP1R3A is associated with type 2 diabetes. Mol Genet Genomics. 2018 Oct;293(5):1205-1216.


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